Member of the Juris Diversitas Association since several years, I also had the pleasure and the honour to have been selected as a speaker at the 9th Genereal Conference of the Association which took place in Macau, on the 24th and 25th of October 2024 (
It was a marvellous conference (congratulations to all who contributed to that!), with very interesting papers - so interesting, that it was often very difficult to choose which one of the parallel sessions to attend.
I chaired one panel, the general title of which was "Convivencia in the ambit of Islamic Law"
I presented my paper which had the title "The dialogues of [comparative] law" in a panel the general title of which was "Comparative law approaches to convivencia"
I attended more panels
I met very nice colleagues from all the world - with some of them we know each other since many years - and very nice LL.M. students of the Macau Law Faculty - two of them wanted to stroll around the university campus with me, at the end of the Conference, and have pictures with me. I was happy and grateful for that!
Convivencia also of the colonial past and the authentic traces of Macau: