
Τρίτη 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

Comparative (Law and) Legal History

Συγκριτικό[ή] (Δίκαιο και) Ιστορία Δικαίου - συγγενείς κλάδοι, όπως ξέρουμε όλοι όσοι ασχολούμαστε με το Συγκριτικό Δίκαιο - με συνοδεία γατών του Ναυπλίου!!

M. Löhnig, "Comparative Law and Legal History: A Few Words about Comparative Legal History" (p. 113- 120)

"Historical comparison of laws is a doctrinally centred method that focuses on the intellectual history of legal concepts, which first describes several legal systems and then compares with each other. The objects of comparison are, therefore, different doctrinal concepts and developments from different periods and jurisdictions. The findings can be used to evaluate and, if necessary, amend one's own doctrinal 'equipment'. ..." (p. 113)

"Comparative legal history, on the other hand, does not focus mainly on doctrinal aspects. In fact, its danger, as long as it claims a place in legal science, lies in its comparative neglect of doctrinal matters. To anticipate somewhat, comparative legal history can only succed if it makes use of the tools of historical comparative law. Because jurisprudence has always formulated doctrines, comparative legal history has to take doctrinal developments into account." (p. 114)

            Ένας γατούλης που νομίζει, μάλλον, ότι είναι λιοντάρι - τουλάχιστον ως στήσιμο!!!

Ο χωμένος κάτω από τη βέσπα τρίχρωμος γάτος ήταν ο στόχος μου, αλλά όσες φορές και αν πέρασα από εκείνο το στενό, πάντα καθόταν στο ίδιο περίπου σημείο - απέφευγε τους παπαράτσι, προφανώς!!

Heikki Pihlajamäki, "Comparative Contexts in Legal History: Are We All Comparatists Now?" (p. 121-132)

"To understand contemporary discussions on comparative legal history - or comparative law, for that matter - it is indispensable to see them against the backdrop of the nineteenth century and the birth of the 'legal science' of Rechtswissenschaft. Historical issues became an integral element of legal studies in the works of Friedrich Carl von Savigny and his followers. What was new in their works was not only the fact that they integrated history with contemporary law, at least in their programmatic writings, history being a central avenue to the correct understanding of the law in force; the Historical School also emphasised the importance of the national characteristics of law, in much the same way as other followers of early nineteenth-century Romanticism did with poetry, languages and other cultural phenomena." (p. 122-123)

"Comparative consciousness is not necessary simply because it helps the researcher to test hypotheses and prove or falsify them. A legal historian needs to think comparatively at least as much in order to find out how legal influences, transfers, translations or transplants move from one legal order to another. Without a consciousness of legal transfers, one is completely at a loss in attempting to explain changes in a particular legal system. This is true not only for peripheral legal systems, but for larger ones as well." (p. 130)

Αυτή και αν είναι αυτοκρατορική στάση!! Δεν είμαι σίγουρη, όμως, ότι θα χαίρονταν να τον δουν επάνω στο τραπέζι, αυτοί που αργότερα πήγαν εκεί για φαγητό!

Τα μικρά αποσπάσματα των άρθρων είναι από το εξαιρετικά πλούσιο βιβλίο αυτό, του 2014 (

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