
Πέμπτη 30 Μαρτίου 2017

Les raisons de la danse sont poetiques

"Je ne concois pas qu'on puisse tenter d'aborder les techniques choregraphiques d'un point de vue ou le psychanalyste ait a en dire quelque chose, sans operer ce retour vers la dogmatique la plus certaine, car c'est bien la, sous les themes liturgiques exposant le droit du corps a parler, que la danse se manifeste comme rapport signifiant dans un discours figuratif de la Loi." (p. 32)

"Les corps deviennent l'embleme du systeme ou se constituent les croyances. La danse est politique, car elle propose un remaniement de la demarche ordinaire et fait eclater le sujet, jusqu'a le mettre hors de lui-meme et lui faire proclamer son desir, mas non pas illegalement. Matiere a controler, par consequent." (p. 68)

Pierre Legendre, "La passion d'etre un autre. Etude pour la danse", Editions du Seuil, 1978

Πέμπτη 23 Μαρτίου 2017

Με τους Erasmus φοιτητές μου - International Business Transactions

                                                             Athens, 23 March 2017

                                                           Spring Semester 2017

Τρίτη 21 Μαρτίου 2017

Pictures at a Conference - "The Private Collections"

Το συνέδριο με τίτλο "The Private Collections. Historical and legal perspectives", που έλαβε χώρα στην έδρα του UNIDROIT, στη Ρώμη, 16-17 Μαρτίου 2017 (, είχε πολύ μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον!

Arrivederci Roma...

Κυριακή 12 Μαρτίου 2017

Global legal pluralism

"Global legal pluralism applies the insights of socio-legal scholarship and turns the gaze away from abstract questions of legitimacy and towards empirical questions of efficacy. Thus, pluralists de-emphasize the supposed distinctions between a norm, a custom, a law, a moral command, a sociological consensus, a psychological imperative, or the like. Instead, a pluralist approach focuses on whether people in actual practice perceive such legal or quasi-legal commands to be binding, how these commands seep into consciousness over time, and whether the mere existence of these commands alters the power dynamics or options placed on the table in policy discussions". (p. 154)

"The evolution of global legal pluralism scholarship is astonishing in its variety, richness, empirical detail, and theoretical sophistication. Indeed, this survey merely scratches the surface of the burgeoning literature in the field. And, over the coming decades, we can expect this scholarly framework to develop further, putting forth new models for conceptualizing interactions among relative, non-hierarchically organized legal orders, identifying new mechanisms, institutions and practices for structuring such interactions, and evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the regimes that emerge." (p. 188)

P.S. Berman, The evolution of global legal pluralism, in: R.Cotterrell/M. Del Mar (eds.) Authority in Transnational Legal Theory. Theorising Across Disciplines, Edward Elgar, 2016, pp. 151-188